Why you need to go to the CREATE Seattle Mixed-Media Retreat. Yes, you.

The CREATE Mixed-Media Retreat in Seattle is only a couple of weeks away. Have you registered yet? No?

Here's what I've learned from attending CREATE retreats: When people make art, they're happy. No-happy isn't the right word. It makes them ecstatic.

I love going to CREATE to see the looks on the faces of attendees, which is something like a mix of of pure bliss coupled with excitement. As I sit at the registration desk, people walk by throughout the day saying, "This is fantastic! I'm having the time of my life!" and beaming from ear to ear. The comments are completely unsolicited. And I can't get enough.

CREATE retreats feeds your soul in ways you never imagined. How many of us are able to sit down and work uninterrupted on an art journal page, or make a piece of jewelry, or watch a video and learn a new technique? At CREATE there are no errands to run, no dogs to walk, just art, art, and more art. It's that immersion, that opportunity to do a deep dive into something you love, that is the fuel that keeps us going.

Some people think they have to buddy up to come to a retreat. While some attendees do come with friends or family members, going solo is OK too. Trust me, you'll meet people-nice people who speak your language, who get you instantly. And if you happen to forget a supply, there's usually someone who will let you use theirs.

No special skills or experience are required to take a CREATE class. People come with all levels of experience in whatever, and there's no competition, only encouragement. If you've never picked up a paintbrush or bent a piece of wire, you'll do just fine. If you've picked up many paintbrushes and bent a lot of wire, you'll still be challenged. In no time you'll be covered in paint and laughing, just like everyone else. The teachers are not only some of the most talented artist instructors in the country, they're also really good people who want you to learn and have fun.

If your finger is on the mouse hesitating over that final click, go for it. I promise you won't regret it. And when you're at the retreat, if you see me, please stop and say hi. I would love to see what you made.

See you there!






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