
        I was in a hurry to get it in by the deadline (whole thing done in 1 hr and 30min… Phew!:)) but my mini masterpiece, "Art= Life", doesn't need a lot of details to express it's true meaning: Art is my life, not a hobby; I am made of art. Everything in earth is art and this is life, so how can art possibly be a hobby? Our paint brush is held by our creator, but we have the colors to fill in the lines. We have crayons and pencils to add details and paper to write on. Rubber bands, technology, thread and a needle, glue, and buttons connect us, scissors and saws break us apart. Rulers measure our mistakes, but Water and erasers allow us to start over. I added some of my favorite things around it such as duct tape, a colored pencil, colored string, and rubber band bracelets. Our life IS art. And my drawing doesn't have to be too complicated to show it!


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