Resolution from Elizabeth Butterfield

My resolution is to grow my business of art. My passion is tearing paper and creating paintings of landscapes and/or botanical scenes.

 The painting I created is done by tearing paper and focusing on recycling products to create beautiful pictures. This painting I selected, Freesias, was created by tearing paper and covering it with glue medium to seal. The next process is detailing the piece with a fine line pen.


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3 thoughts on “Resolution from Elizabeth Butterfield

  1. I’m so impressed!  This is a real beauty. 

    Before I read your description of it, I thought it was an oil painting…

    The green is wonderful!


  2. Wow! very nice.  I feel that we are kindred spirits.  This is what I really love to do.  Crazy about recycle and reuse in a beautiful way.  You are a great artist in my book.  We love our paper!  I love using my micron pen in sepia…just dark enough.  I am going to emulate this in some fashion.  I usually do landscapes when working this way.  I also love collage, mixed media.

    Very, very nice work Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration.


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