Create Heraldry-Inspired Hand Lettering

Laura Lavender’s Lettering Lesson, Heraldry-Inspired Lettering (Volume 21), will send you back in time for inspiration. Learn about supporters, banners, and decorative elements with regal roots, and build a custom design. Add new styles to your hand-lettering repertoire that will give a historic feel to your art. Then, create an inspiring piece that incorporates your hand lettering with these heraldry-inspired designs for a hand-lettered piece that’s both elegant and fun.

Provided with a few different fonts to try out, I played around with the letters for a while, and really loved the style of these fonts. They have an elegance and formal feel that was easy to work with.

Hand lettering takes on a formal feel with swirls and embellished serifs.

This lesson has plenty of heraldry-inspired designs to choose from. I selected a few and added some of my own. Working with a mechanical pencil, I traced Laura’s unicorn image, as I decided to create this piece for my granddaughter. Laura’s suggestion to flip the supporter image was a good one, so both sides matched, and easily done with the aid of a sunny window for tracing.

Use a sunny window to trace hand-lettering fonts or designs you like to fill out your art piece.

I built the sketch from there, adding a large shield with a C and a banner below. Given my choice of unicorns, I added stars and small dots for a whimsical feel. I chose Lombard-inspired letters for the C and the name on the banner. I had had the most fun with that style when practicing, and thought it fit this piece.

Details like swirls, stars, and the perfect hand-lettering font bring life to a piece of art.

Watercolors and a detail brush made adding color to this piece a breeze. The unicorns had to be flashy, so, after mixing a silvery gray for their bodies, primary colors were called for for their manes and tails. I mixed some pink for the lettering and the shield and banner, added yellow to the stars, and finished with small blue dots surrounding the stars.

It’s interesting and fun to experiment with different hand-lettering styles, even more so when incorporating them in a drawing.

Add a royal feeling to your hand lettering with this Lettering Lesson and the heraldry-inspired designs and fonts.


Art Journaling and Lettering, Blog, Mixed-Media Techniques


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