Found Things Thursday: Bed Springs


0435.Headshot_thumb_3258C290“Bouncing Bed Springs, Batman!”

“Hold your horses Robin, and let’s see what the good people of Gotham City might have in store for these contraptions of evil.”

So, what are your ideas?

I pulled these from a box spring on the side of the road on garbage day—just the springs, no bedding. I actually had to run home to get a pair of heavy-duty pliers because these babies hold on tight! I felt a little like Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel(TM) when he worked at a mattress recycling factory.

2727.IMG_2588_thumb_7AF30076I had no idea what I would do with these, but I was willing to be eco-friendly and save a few of the springs for a future, yet-to-be-named project. Plus, they’ve come in handy for a photo shoot or two.

What would you do with these? Batman wants to know—and Robin is getting impatient.

KaPow! BoinG!





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