When we received award-winning Australian quilter Helen Godden’s floor plan for the Summer 2009 Studios issue, we wanted to laugh–or maybe cry. Instead of a rough sketch or a tightly drawn rendering, Helen sent an illustration of her studio, aka “The Zone,” in her own irrepressible style. It’s complete with a key to the coded shapes, captions, and an outline of her beloved dog Kosci, “asleep, not dead” in the middle of the floor. That’s the part that made us laugh. What made us want to cry was that a) it had taken a circuitous route to our Stow, Mass., offices and therefore arrived after press time and b) we wouldn’t have been able to use the floor plan in the format Helen had sent, anyway. So no one would see it. But wait…the Online Extras to the rescue! We could show Helen’s floor plan here. And so you have it.