Pumpkin Carving Template Batty DIY

Here at Cloth Paper Scissors, we love to have fun just as much as we love to create unique mixed-media art. And even better, we like to have fun with art! So, we dreamed up something fun to incorporate into our favorite spooky holiday, that shows off just how much we love it.

Enter the humble pumpkin.

That smooth surface just begs to be carved into cool shapes. We took our artistic drive to the world of pumpkin carving and came up with some fun designs to share with all our mixed-media loving friends.

Pumpkin Carving Template – Batty DIY

As mixed-media artists, we do lots of fun things ourselves. From stamp making to book altering, art journaling to collage, DIY has some strong roots in the mixed-media world. Sometimes there are so many options to pick from, we get a little batty. So we just couldn’t resist taking a batty spin on DIY with this fun and easy template.

Be sure you share all your finished pumpkins from these designs and your own in the share your art gallery: https://www.clothpaperscissors.com/media/10/default.aspx




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