The Whatevers

Vicki Chrisman, Nathalie Kalbach, and Catherine Scanlon founded a storytelling project in 2012. Fascinated with vintage photos of people, they decided to create stories for the people in the photos. They called these characters the Whatevers, and picked one photo per month to use in their artwork. They shared their art and stories on their blogs, posting the photos they used so others could join in the fun.

They shared some highlights from their creative processes in the May/June 2017 issue of Cloth Paper Scissors, and share the photo here for you to join in the fun and create your own art and stories. Enjoy!

•Whatevers PHOTO (WEB)--CROP


Online Extras

4 thoughts on “The Whatevers

  1. This was the online extra? The picture to download? I must have missed something… the article directs me here, this sends me back to my digital magazine.

    1. Hi, we’re sorry the link is giving you trouble!

      The online extra photo is available here:
      You’ll just need to register for our site to access it, or log in if you already have an account.

      The article for this project is available in our May/June 2017 issue:


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