Li'l Willie John

My Babe is an Mixed Assemblage. He is made of a Ceramic body that I made with my own molds, painted with acrylics ,dirt, mud, sanded down and repainted again then aged outside for a worn aged look, his hair is created from tattered dyed cotton balls then sealed down for a matted look. his clothes were found in an old thrift and  were aged by the natural elements along with coffee /tea dying. Willie John  has a real heavy baby feel to him which was done to convey "who" he is and "what" he is, I wanted him to translate the time period that he represents ie the worn myths of the old South on the cusp of evolving from  child of the old South to  future of the new freed South of days gone by.


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2 thoughts on “Li'l Willie John

  1. Now I think this is really cleaver.Too make your own moulds.A great figuritive piece of artwork..Well done..

    Kind regards Sarah Dawson-Spackman..

    Many thanks for your kind comment regarding my work…



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